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Plenary Speakers
Non-Unitary and Stochastic Quantum Chemistry

Ali Alavi - Thursday September 12 2019 09:00-09:50
Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany
Advances in Interatomic Potentials for Materials

Gabor Csanyi - Tuesday September 10 2019 17:25-18:15
Cambridge University, United Kingdom
Light-activated matter: from photo-electrochemical cells to optogenetics and quantum information systems

Giulia Galli - Tuesday September 10 2019 09:00-09:50
University of Chicago, United States
Potential Energy Surfaces and Berry Phases from the Exact Factorization: A Predictive First-Principles Approach to Non-Adiabatic Dynamics

Eberhard Gross - Monday September 9 2019 13:45-14:35
Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Germany
Fast Irreversible Markov Chains in Statistical Physics Fast Irreversible Markov Chains is Statistical Physics

Werner Krauth - Tuesday September 10 2019 14:15-15:05
ENS, Paris, France
Next-Generation First-Principles Based Molecular Dynamics: From Biological Systems to Materials

Ursula Röthlisberger - Wednesday September 11 09:00-09:50
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Swizterland
Molecular Dynamics Simulations in the Age of Machine Learning

Eric Vanden-Eijnden - Thursday September 12:25-13:15
Courant Institute, NYU, USA
Topology in Biology?

JULIA YEOMANS - Monday September 9 2019 17:40-18:30
Oxford University, United Kingdom